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First Attempt

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sue Brown, Natalie van Amsel and Mary Akers for their support and guidance.
I'd have been completely lost without them. While this attempt did not succeed, it was an incredible learning opportunity.

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The Supplies

· Esky

· 2x 5.3L plastic containers

· Air pump, line, air stones & splitters (splitters & valves to control air flow) for each jar.

· Fish tank heater set at 28’C

· Red Sea Salt - 2tbsp per litre

·Seachem Prime - 1 drop per litre

· Frozen Betta food and betta flakes

·Glass thermometer

· Syphon with a stocking over the end to prevent zoea, zoea2 and megalopa from being sucked up.

· 1.5L jar - to catch water waste

· Shell grit - sift through to find shells with 1-2mm openings

· Light and magnifying glass for viewing

The Megalopa

The megalopa need slightly different conditions.


Once they shed to become megalopa, they require feeding and slower water. As soon as they start shedding, add sinking betta pellets (ones that hold their form).


*Note: This is the only time you should be feeding pellets. The only time! Once they become crabs, they need real food.*


During this attempt I had 4 jars set up for the megalopa, which required an additional bubbler.


Temperatures were kept at 28-29C and it is the optimal temperature for getting the megalopa to take a shell and do their first moult on land.


This feels like a very delicate time for these guys... 

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